For parents who pay alimony it will be quite a shock when they read the letter from the Tax department with the provisional refund 2015. They will receive a considerably less amount of money up to 300 Euros net per month.
This fall is because child alimony will no longer be tax deductible from 1 January 2015 on. Before alimony was part of ‘extraordinary expense deduction’ in certain circumstances. The alimony receiver will have a higher child bounded budget from 1 January 2015 on. Lowering the alimony shall compensate the paying parent with this amount. In case the exes can not agree on this together, the alimony payer can ask the judge for a lower amount.
Favourable If it comes to the judge, this will be even more favourable for the alimony payer, says the chairman Rob van Coolwijk from the association Familierecht Advocaten Scheidingsmediators (vFAS). “This is because the child alimony can partly be filled up with the raising child bounded budget what the alimony receiver gets, which results in the alimony payer having to pay less.”
According to Van Coolwijk it can even become less favourable for the alimony receiver. “The single parent deduction will also disappear and also the raised child bounded budget was meant to be compensation. But if this will be used to compensate the alimony payer, the alimony receiver will eventually pay the bill.”